The Secrets To Competing Against Big Business
If there’s anything that the tales of David and Goliath, and Tortoise versus Hare have taught us, it’s that size doesn’t matter. Especially when it comes to being in business. It’s true that when you’re starting out, it can seem very daunting to look up at the big, established major players, and wonder how on Earth you can compete with their huge promotional budgets and economies of scale. The honest answer to that it, you can’t. But you can win on numerous other fronts. You just have to know a few of the secrets to competing with big business.
“Small firms will never win on price, but they can compete on value and service,” says business coach and author Heather Townsend. “The more specialised their product or service, the better. They can be flexible and adaptable to meet customers’ needs, and, through the clever use of social media, they can make their brand more ‘loveable’, which gives them the edge.”
This personal touch is one of the most effective tools small businesses have to carve out their own niche – even in the most fiercely competitive markets. Quality, flexibility and personal service go a long way towards making up for lack of size and budget.
“People today are doing far more research before they buy anything,” says Heather. “This is a great opportunity for smaller firms to make a good impression and build up advocates; people who will spread good feedback about them through review sites and social media channels. These online resources completely level the playing field for businesses. And, when used in the right way, they can give even the smallest firms a real competitive advantage.”
How Can SMEs Compete With Big Business?
Despite what many small business owners think, there are many ways in which you can compete successfully with big business.
Customer Service
And not just any customer service – great customer service. This is perhaps the singularly most important area in which SMEs can stand out from their bigger competition. As a small business, you have an unrivalled ability to build personal relationships with your customers. Customers appreciate good experiences and relationships just as much as they value a quality product. If you can provide the kind of personal relationship and warm customer service they can’t get from your bigger competitor, they’ll come to you first – even if you’re a little more expensive.
Market Share
Big, established businesses usually have their share of the market all sewn up. This means, when starting a small business that competes in the same space as the Big Boys, you have to determine what you’re hoping to achieve as far as market share is concerned. Decide whether you want to take business away from a larger competitor, or whether you want to expand the market by attracting completely new business.
Easy Innovation
It’s true that bigger companies have the money and the bandwidth to launch massive new ideas. However, they can get bogged down in lengthy processes. It’s all to do with the way in which big companies are structured. Big decisions have to make their way up the corporate ladder and pass through the relevant chain of command before being approved and implemented.
Small businesses have far greater autonomy. With fewer staff and less formal processes, ideas can be more quickly executed – meaning you get the results you want in a shorter space of time. In this way, you can get the edge over your bigger competitors.
Use Technology To Your Advantage
There’s no denying that technology has helped many big companies get to their current positions. But the wonderful thing about technology is that it’s not only available to the larger companies. Your small business can use exactly the same technology to gain the same advantages. Tech has become the great leveller for business – and when everyone has the same tools in their toolbox, it all boils down to who’s offering the best product and the most impressive customer service.
At Huge Connect, we understand that, as a small business, you need a lot more than just traditional telecommunications services to help you compete with big business. Because we live in an increasingly digital age, additional services, such as hosting, website creation and storage are vital for critical for your business right from the start.
But we know that, as a busy SME owner, the last thing you need is the hassle of dealing with multiple telecoms suppliers. You need a consolidated, managed service that gives you all the products you need, bundled into one convenient package.
When you choose Huge Connect as your telecommunications provider, you can choose exactly what you want, and how much of it you need. All without costly outlays for hardware. You also have complete flexibility when it comes to contracts.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you beat the big boys!