Connected Learning The Positive Effects of Wi-Fi Connectivity on Education

For many schools, the very idea of providing an open Wi-Fi network available to hundreds of high school students makes them shudder.  (Possibly with good reason.) However, more schools and learning facilities are opting to offer Wi-Fi to their learners after exploring the huge benefits of doing so.

Can connectivity enhance the education offered to today’s youth?

The Benefits of Connectivity in Education

There’s little doubt that a Matriculant with seven distinctions and a positive attitude will battle to find a job if they can’t use a computer.

When we look at today’s younger generation, however, this seems increasingly unlikely, as they know how to use a mobile phone and tablet before they can walk. Nature channels, how-to video tutorials and step by step guides on how to do just about anything are within finger tapping reach of most of us – all thanks to the ubiquitous internet.

But should this be taken into the classroom? Do we really want kids spending even more time in front of a flickering screen?

Let’s explore this.

Online Sharing With Wi-Fi

Projects, presentations, study notes and tutorials can be easily shared and accessed online by a group of fellow students. Teachers can upload information, research notes and even videos to help students to get to grips with a subject, and this information is available at any time of the day or night.

Teamwork is made simple with cloud computing and teaches students the importance of collaboration which they will almost certainly need in the workplace.

Accommodate all Learning Styles

Some us are fine to sit in a classroom and copy notes off a board. The rest of us… not so much. The introduction of wireless technology in education centres allows teachers to accommodate their students’ various learning styles.

If a child needs to watch an explainer video a few times to grasp a concept, then they can do so without feeling the stress of having to admit in front of the entire class that they still don’t get it. Others are auditory learners, for whom a teacher can download a podcast to help them along.

With so many resources freely available on the web, a connected classroom can be a treasure trove of information, presented in the ideal way for a learners’ unique needs.

Preparing Learners for Working Life

As mentioned above, children who don’t know how to operate a computer or mobile device are going to be at a distinct disadvantage when the school doors close behind them.

Allowing, or even encouraging device use in the classroom allows students to gain the confidence they need to be proficient on various computer systems, as well learning how to as to hone their research skills.

This time can also be used to teach children “internet etiquette” where they can understand the concepts of online safety in a controlled environment.

Connected Learning is Revolutionising Education

It’s clear from just these few considerations that Wi-Fi in the classroom is something to be embraced, and not feared. Educational processes are being changed up across the globe as more schools, learning facilities and even business training courses all go online.

What is also clear, however, is that in order to help our children achieve great things, educational centres need to have stable and secure connectivity which is able to handle the considerable loads that will be placed on it.

Not only does the solution need to be scalable, flexible and future-proof, but it will also require carefully controlled access. Young minds need to be judiciously protected from the perils of the internet while enjoying the freedom of learning that it offers.

If your institution is considering the move toward classroom Wi-Fi, then you likely want to talk with a company that can offer a secure internet connection and a backup solution to tie it all together.

The Huge Connect team offer exactly this – and so much more. We cater to small learning centres or larger schools across South Africa who are looking for the ideal connectivity solution.

Connectivity in the classroom ensures a brighter future for the generations coming behind us. Let’s assist these bright minds in taking the next step into the digital world – together.

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