How Does LTE Benefit My Business

How Does LTE Benefit My Business?

Are excellent customer service, an always-up network and super-fast connectivity important to your business? If so, explore with us how LTE benefits South African businesses today.

Have you ever watched the Olympic 100m sprint? It really is one of the most exciting races and highlights the value of mere fractions of a second which can equal a dizzying win or a tragic loss. In much the same way, speed and planning within the business arena can make a major difference to businesses across the board; and this is where LTE benefits are clearly seen.

We’ve touched on the subject of defining LTE in previous articles, but we’d like to emphasise the incredible value of the benefits offered by an LTE connection.

How Does LTE Benefit My Business 2

What Are The Benefits of LTE For My Business?

How can LTE benefit your business? Consider the following points:

The Vital Importance of Customer Service

How many businesses do you know that don’t have an online shop or any sort of web presence? Equally, how many successful businesses are you aware of who are thriving despite customers being unable to contact them, whose card machines are intermittent or who have to admit that “the system is down” more than once a week.

The public is increasingly intolerant of poor service levels because of connectivity issues.

We all know that a good, solid infrastructure is the backbone of any business, and if our business isn’t investing in its own reliable, stable connection then our customers are going to go to someone who is.

If your customer can’t complete an online purchase from your website and are left sitting with that beautiful blue spinning circle, they’re going to close their browser and go to your lightning-fast competition.

A telling article from Telecoms Tech News by Rajat Kochhar has this to say on the importance of reliable connectivity for any enterprise:

“Enterprises must have always-on network connectivity and should also consider having a failover network option, if possible. There is enough motivation to look out for a more robust, fast to set up, fail-proof network for small and medium enterprises. Some of them are listed below:

  • No wired connection can deliver 100% uptime.
  • Billions of dollars are lost each year in network downtime.
  • 60% of these downtimes or network outages are due to human errors.
  • Gartner pegs the cost of downtime for computer networks at $5,600 per minute.
  • Gartner has calculated that downtime can reach 87 hours a year.
  • Most of the ISP’s provide 99.5% uptime which means ~4 hours downtime in a month.”

Some of these numbers are frightening, aren’t they?

One of the key points we noted here is that “no wired connection can deliver 100% uptime.” Have you found that to be true here in South Africa?

We’ll just leave that there for the moment…

LTE = A Business Enabler

Starting a business, scaling a business or taking your business on the road used to be a prolonged and often frustrating process. Why? Simply because setting up a wired connection for POS machines to operate on, linking your team back to head office servers and getting phone lines set up could take weeks – if it happened at all.

An LTE connection is an instant, fast and reliable solution, and allows your business to grow with the same speed as your business brain can devise new growth ideas.

Always Connected

“I’m just about to head out to a meeting, I’ll pick this up when I’m in a wi-fi zone” is soon going to be a redundant conversation.


Car manufacturers are connecting us while we’re on the road by installing 4G LTE in new vehicles. A hotspot in your car makes entertainment, navigation, IP calling and even virtual conferences possible while on the road. (Obviously, not for the driver!)

A connected car may or may not be of interest to you personally, but the idea of an always-on, fast connection – no matter where we are – is an attractive one.

Downtime and Repair

Those of us who have been on the receiving end of stolen copper cables and the 6-week wait for our landline to be reconnected fully understand the aggravation, additional costs and lost business involved.

What happens if your LTE router goes down? Well, you connect another one and it is business as usual.

This makes LTE not only the perfect first option for business connectivity but an ideal failover option in the case of the inevitable landline outage.

Big Connectivity Benefits With Huge

Have you been thinking about switching to, or adding an LTE data solution to your business? If so, our team are perfectly positioned to give you all the information that you need to make an informed decision. Simply send us your address, company coordinates and contact details and we will conduct a free alternative connectivity check for you.

Knowing your options is vital when building a future-proof business, we’re sure you’ll agree.

Call the Huge team now and let’s discuss how a secure and managed LTE data solution can benefit your business.

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