What is you plan for card transactions

What is Your Plan A, B & C For Card Transactions?

Card transaction problems are never welcome but let’s not be caught without a backup plan (or two) for this year’s Black Friday seasonal kick-off.

We, at Huge Connect, feel your pain. All the preparations may well have been done to perfection, but faulty transactions or off-line scenarios can literally throw profits out the window. Trust us when we say we have watched the agony play out for fifteen years, so we want to alert you right now to the Huge Connect solution.

This year is set to reach an all high peak over the coming season. That need not be knocked by intermittent card transaction hassles. The onus is on store owners to secure sufficient backups to ride the coming tide.

When Card Transactions Go Wrong

We’re all vulnerable to the ‘loss of signal’ syndrome and the sickening standstill that brings to our card transactions. We throw our hands up in the air and feel helpless. We mutter something about technology being a pleasure and pain. All the while we watch our anticipated profits slip through our fingers and frustrated shoppers leave their purchases and exit the store.

What if that doesn’t have to happen?

What is there is a way to maximise card machine availability and non-stop card transactions?  Let’s go through your Plan A, B & C together.

Plan A

You’ll likely already have a rental device which is the data communications interface to a bank supplied card terminal. Most of the time, this alone is enough.

However, Black Friday is not “most of the time.”

The nightmare starts with the classic system-offline scenario. Either you’re enduring a slow GSM connection (or none at all in some instances), or the local WAN that you’re connected to is not coping with the strain placed on it.

Plan B

Your plan B could be a Huge Connect supplied device, connected to a desktop card terminal, with an external antenna for better GSM signal coverage. That means when everyone is competing for the same signal, you have levelled-up and are running a seamless operation.

What would you give for that level of card transaction peace of mind?

Plan C

With Huge Connect, we say ‘Fear Not’. We have a further plan that will ensure card transaction payment acceptance if other options let you down.

Did you know that we offer a failover GSM system which kicks in as soon as you need it? If signal is lost on one network, then we switch over to another.

The bottom line is that your much-anticipated revenue income will only see the light of day with a robust card transactions system in place. SA’s merchants are getting ready for the shopping frenzy that will tax every resource. Mobile pay-point systems can greatly reduce checkout pressure.

Small business owners don’t want to be concerned about card terminals being offline, you just need a solution that works – all the time, every time.

Bear in mind that the transaction surge is likely to continue through December with no breathing space till after your season’s closing January sale. Tremendous strain comes on the virtual payment infrastructure. You really can’t even afford slow connectivity slowing down your checkout lanes.

At Huge Connect, we have your back. We can ensure that you successfully navigate the 2019 BFCM (Black Friday Cyber Monday) season start-up. We sincerely wish you a business breakthrough in achieving the results you’ve worked so hard for. We know you’ll be safe with a viable and cost-effective card payments data solution, which we can certainly assist you to acquire.

Contact us today for peace of mind and transaction confidence.


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