How Fixed LTE Provides The Best Backup Service For Your Business

In South Africa, we’re no strangers to both random and scheduled power outages, flood damage, municipal tomfoolery, and all manner of other issues that can cause your main connectivity service to fail. Or in other words, we’re used to our Internet connection bombing out for whatever reason. 

That’s all fine and well when it’s at home and all that’s interrupted is the family discussion about dinner tonight on the WhatsApp group. But when it happens at work, disrupting the office, derailing meetings, and kiboshing projects, it’s incredibly frustrating. It can also result in heavy losses.

That’s why an Internet backup failover, also referred to 4G backup, is necessary. A Fixed LTE-A backup service means that your connection will automatically switch to backing up your Internet service. This way, you can press ahead with business as usual.

In this post, we want to take a bit of time to explain and position how Fixed LTE-A can be used as part of the overall backup connectivity for your organisation.

Why Your Business Needs Backup 

It’s critical for all businesses to have a backup and recovery plan – both for what could go wrong and for what you use your data connectivity for. 

Starting with what could go wrong. We can’t list everything, but there’s the threat of loadshedding, the fact that all humans make mistakes, computer systems crashes, and the fact that disasters happen when you least expect them to. If any one of these things happen, then having your data backed up and available through Internet failover means that you can keep your business connected. 

Now, take a moment to consider what your business needs connectivity for. Your list could include your security system, your online ordering system, your stock and inventory system, and very likely your point-of-sale (POS) system. Even just three of those processes will give you an idea of why your business needs backup Internet. 

How Fixed LTE-A Backup Works

A full backup is the truly the most surefire way to avoid a loss of productivity, but it can be a bit pricey. There is, happily, a solution in the form of Fixed LTE-A failover – a great option for a lifeline connection in the event of your connection being disrupted. 

We don’t want to get too technical, but this solution involves using an LTE data service and a Fixed LTE-A network approved router. Once the router detects that your fixed Internet connection has failed and that the primary service has been disconnected, the modem automatically switches over to the fixed LTE-A backup service to support Internet connectivity. 

This enables the router to re-establish your Internet connectivity to supply the LAN site and ensures the key processes of your business. You can expect a brief downtime period while all this re-routing takes place, but it’s usually just a short delay. 

The Huge Connect Fixed LTE-A Solution

Our Huge Connect Fixed LTE-A solution has undergone a few improvements and now we’re perfectly positioned to offer fast, cost-effective, and reliable connectivity services. Importantly, our service includes a proactive monitoring on the status of your Primary and Fixed LTE-A Backup Link, the ability to aggregate backup data usage across your multiple sites, and seamlessly connect over to the Huge Connects Fixed LTE-A network as a backup link when your Primary Broadband Access Link fails or is temporarily unavailable.

That’s in addition to our improved pricing model that allows you to only pay for data when you use it and the convenience of having your service delivered from one contract, one price, and one contact facilitating all your needs. It’s actually a point of pride that we work closely with you to determine your business’ needs and take care of everything for you – offering you one point of reference, one bill, and just one call to us in case anything goes wrong. 

If you’re interested in exploring how Fixed LTE-A could work for your business, connect with us today.

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