The Latest On 2G And 3G Mobile Networks Switch Off

As the need for improved technology being more readily available increases the government has made clear its intentions for shutting down the 2G and 3G services in South Africa. What this will mean is increased spectrum available for the much needed and faster 5G and LTE .

The advancements made in the technology that drives Fixed LTE (Long-Term Evolution) make this connectivity solution ideal for those who either don’t want to or can’t take advantage of FTTB (fibre-to-the-business) services. The reasons for not getting business fibre vary, but chief among these is usually because fibre isn’t yet available. However, it could also be that the business in question doesn’t have a fixed location or that a FTTB service is presumably too expensive, or even because the business is operating out of a rental space where the property-owners are opposing the installation of fibre optic cables.  

Of course, some business owners might just prefer the service provided by Fixed LTE. This is hardly surprising! As fast as FTTB is, there’s no denying that Fixed LTE is also capable of offering a completely wireless Internet option with fast data transitions. The new, faster speeds also means that the mobility offered by Fixed LTE allows the connection to bounce from tower to tower, preventing inclement weather or heavy usage on any single tower to get in the way of a reliable, stable connection.

Fixed LTE is clearly a strong alternative to FTTB, so we won’t waste time convincing you of the benefits. Instead, what we want to address is the issue of security for your business’ Fixed LTE connection. 

Why Is Security In Question?

You might be wondering what we mean by security with particular reference to your Fixed LTE service. The reality is that wireless communication, like Fixed LTE, is by its very nature at risk of attacks and incidents that could threaten your business. 

The inherent vulnerability of wireless communication lies in how data is transmitted. Simply, data that is originally sent from or to a user may be received and unlawfully used by an unintended user. Additionally, locations or travelling routes taken by a user can be tracked quite easily by simply tracing to which cell towers the user is connected or through which cell towers the user is travelling. 

The result? A number of privacy infringements, loss of data, loss of reputation, liability issues, loss of productivity, and a loss of profits. In short, your entire business could be at risk simply through its Internet connection.

Examples of these security threats:

  • Traffic hijacking (intentional redirection of Internet traffic).
  • Compromised control data.
  • Eavesdropping (when a hacker intercepts, deletes, or modifies data transmitted between two devices).
  • Denial-of-Service attack (a DoS is an attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users).
  • Unauthorised access (when a person gains entry to your network without permission).
  • Loss of accountability of the control plane.

What’s The Solution?

To your immense relief, connectivity service providers like Huge Connect, are preoccupied with the security, performance, and availability of high-speed mobile networks. To that end, we provide security features as part of our Fixed LTE offering. 

These measures will ensure that all of your data is transferred safely and won’t be manipulated. We have also taken steps to prevent unauthorised access by unintended users to the data received, while also ensuring the privacy of users.

Let’s Talk About Backup 

There is one specific point of vulnerability that we can’t ignore – connectivity disruption, either through unlawful means or due to something as simple as a computer crash or loadshedding. Really, we’re talking about any incident that disrupts your connectivity and either prevents your business from operating or results in the loss of data. 

For that reason it’s absolutely vital for all businesses to have a backup and recovery plan. 

We bring this up in this article, of all places, primarily because even if you do have business fibre, it is critical to consider adding in an Internet backup failover, or a Fixed LTE backup service, as part of your connectivity security strategy.

Given that your business very likely has at least one of the following systems that relies on a strong, reliable Internet connection, such as a security system, an online ordering system, a stock and inventory system, or a point-of-sale (POS) system, if something happens to disrupt these functions, you’ll lose business. You could even lose your business’ reputation and have legal action brought against you. 

If you have the Huge Connect Fixed LTE solution, then you can be assured that this is already taken care of. Included with several other security measures, such as proactive monitoring of the status of your Primary, we have also included Fixed LTE Backup Link, which aggregates the backup data usage across your multiple sites and seamlessly connects over to the Huge Connect Fixed LTE network as a backup link when your Primary Broadband Access Link fails or is temporarily unavailable.

If you’re interested in exploring how our Fixed LTE solution could work for and protect your business, connect with us today.

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